Welcome to City Church

Today we announced that Revolution Church is re-launching as City Church.  We are excited about this direction change for a number of reasons.

1. We believe it is time for a fresh start.  With new leadership comes a re-defined focus. The name Revolution (and formerly Crosspoint) Church served a purpose. We believe that season is now complete and it is time for a new start.  It is important for Ashley and I to take ownership of a fresh focus and changing the name is a natural part of this process.

2. We want our name to reflect who we are.  We believe God has called us to be IN this city and FOR this city.  God has called us to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel in this community. We want the people in our city to know that we are for them. We will serve them. We will love them. We will partner with them to make our city a better place.  The name City Church reflects a bigger vision than what just happens on Sunday mornings.

3. Our mission statement is simple: City Church exists to continue what Jesus began.  We believe the New Testament teaches that we are to continue what Jesus taught and did.  We are to be a gospel-centered and Jesus-focused. And this mission begins where we exist in everyday life - our homes, our places of work, our schools, our parks, our restaurants, our stores, our ballparks, our neighborhoods. In other words, we are called to live out the gospel in our city.  Our name reflects our desire to be Jesus followers within our everyday life context.

Change is a natural part of life.  God created a world that is constantly changing - seasons come and go, children become adults, parents become grandparents, flowers grow and fade, and on and on. Even so, change is a natural part of the life of a church.  And we believe this change is a natural step in our process to be who we believe God has called us to be in our city.

We could not be more excited to be on this journey.  Our story is one of authentic brokenness and grace-filled redemption. We are thankful to be able to lift up Jesus in this city.  And we invite you to be a part of this group of broken, grace-dependent Jesus followers that we call City Church. Come as you are. It is okay to not be okay. Just remember one thing: no perfect people are allowed. 

Welcome to City Church! 

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