
Showing posts from May, 2017

Resurrection: Deconstructed

We spent the last 3 Sundays at City Church deconstructing the historical, eternal, and everyday life implications of the resurrection of Jesus.  This gospel-centered series was a great reminder of the centrality of the resurrection to our beliefs, hope, future, and daily living. To watch the messages, go here .  To subscribe to or listen to the podcast, go here . Here are a few of the truths that stood out to me. Historical - There is no form of historic Christianity that does not affirm at its heart that after the brutal death of Jesus Christ that the Father raised him to life again.  The resurrection is woven into the structure of Christian belief, life, and thought - informing everything about our faith. - The survival of the movement known as Christianity makes no sense outside of the resurrection of Jesus.  Christianity did not survive because of the teachings, miracles, pithy sayings, or even the death of Jesus.  It survived and thrived because...