
Showing posts from August, 2022

When a House Becomes a Home

A little over 9 years ago Ashley and I bought a house. We were just starting to come out of one of the toughest seasons of our lives and God graciously opened several doors for us to purchase a beautiful house that has served as a safe place for us for almost a decade. Our house became a home - a home we love. We love it because of what God has done inside these walls both in our lives as a couple and the lives of those we love the most in this world.  In our home, God has rescued wounded love, healed broken hearts, restored hurting souls, and repaired damaged relationships. In our home, we have laughed, cried, laughed until we cried, celebrated, hurt, prayed, argued, rested, wept, remembered, dreamed, danced, played, sang at the top of our lungs, and made more memories than we can ever recall.  Over the course of these 9+ years, we welcomed into our family our precious gift of grace Levi and we said goodbye to each of his three older siblings as they spread their wings to fly...