Dear Ragan: a Daddy's Reflection on His Second Daughter Turning 16
A few years ago I wrote a blog post regarding my oldest daughter Kayleigh turning 16. This week my second daughter Ragan crosses that threshold as well. I am in denial and shock. My sweet princess is 16! How does this happen?!? Time is a cruel taskmaster and a wonderful gift at the same time. On this special day, I want to remind you Ragan of a few reasons why your Daddy loves you "to the moon and back" ... 1) You have a caring heart. I love Ragan's heart. She cares for people. She loves her family and friends. She has a tenderness about her that is unique. Her heart has been captured by the gospel and it gives her a loving kindness that few young ladies her age have. 2) You are growing into a beautiful young lady. As Ragan gets older, she is growing more and more beautiful. I love her cute smile and happy personality. Her naturally small frame is the envy of anyone who has to "work" to stay in shape but it does not define her....