Guess who is pregnant?!?

God never ceases to amaze us with His amazing grace. Grace by its very definition is undeserved and unearned. As you know, our story is one of brokenness and redemption, hurt and healing, unfaithfulness and forgiveness. It is a story that testifies of God's relentless grace. And our grace story continues to be written. Ashley and I are thrilled to announce our family is growing! God is giving us another undeserved gift of incredible grace. WE ARE EXPECTING A BABY!!!!! That's right: Ashley is pregnant. God has granted us the privilege of becoming parents. He continues to make beauty out of ashes. We have often questioned whether we "deserved" to have a baby. The Enemy has a way of constantly reminding you of your consequences and how "undeserving" you are of God's blessings. And yet we know that God redeems brokenness for His glory and goodness. He brings life out of death. And in His sovereign grace He has created life in spite of our failure...